About me

Short Biography (Dr. Jeeban Panthi)

I am a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Kansas State University. 

My research is centered on the comprehensive investigation of coastal hydrology, climate change, and water quality. My research approach leverages a diverse array of technical tools and methodologies, including numerical modeling, geophysical techniques—specifically, electrical resistivity imaging and seismic data—satellite remote sensing data, and data-driven modeling approaches. The primary objective is to provide answers to fundamental scientific questions within the field of hydrology, with a scope encompassing the entire hydrological continuum from headwater regions to coastal zones. My research contributes to the advancement of our knowledge pertaining to hydrological processes, with a specific emphasis on both water availability and water quality.

My current postdoctoral project is focused on the development of an integrated model. This model merges watershed hydrology and lake hydrodynamics, with its principal objective being the emulation of the intricate mechanisms governing the transportation of essential nutrients, specifically Nitrogen and Phosphorus. More precisely, the investigation is directed toward identifying the pathways through which these terrestrial nutrients migrate to reservoirs. A salient challenge inherent in this endeavor is the absence of an integrated modeling framework within the existing water quality models that can effectively account for the enduring impacts, or legacy effects, of nutrient inputs. To bridge this knowledge gap, I am actively engaged in adapting and enhancing a watershed modeling code. Through these critical modifications, our research aims to furnish valuable insights into the interplay between diverse land-management strategies and the potential ramifications of climate change on water quality outcomes.

My doctoral research focused on understanding coastal hydrological processes, encompassing both offshore and terrestrial hydrological controls affecting freshwater availability in coastal aquifers. My research approach blended field measurements and advanced numerical modeling. My specific area of focus centered on barrier islands within this context. I devised a methodological approach to integrate two geophysical techniques for the purpose of mapping the depth of unconsolidated aquifers in the coastal environment. Furthermore, I advanced the field by developing a variable-density groundwater flow and solute transport model to simulate the responses of coastal aquifers to reduced recharge during drought events. Additionally, I developed a method for calculating the fresh groundwater discharge in an ocean using time-lapse geophysical data. These research endeavors collectively contributed to the refinement of our understanding of coastal hydrology and its associated complexities, particularly in the context of changing environmental conditions and aquifer dynamics. 

Please read this article to know more about my Water Journey.

My research and publication sites

Curriculum Vitae  ResearchGate    GitHub    ORCiD    Google Scholar 

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